Location Alarm Pro

by Silvertech

Travel & Local

0.99 usd

Afraid to miss some destinations? Set an alarm to remind you!Ever missed your stop on public transport, because you were enjoying your music or books?Ever forgot something to do along the way to somewhere?Let this location alarm help you!Set some destinations, and this alarm will remind you when you approach them. You can set notification in status bar, vibrate your phone, and choose an alarm sound you like, or even let voice remind you. Then, take the road!You can also play with the alarm with many other settings:1) Satellite view of the map.2) Traffic information on the map.3) Center the map with your current location.4) Show alarm range in map.5) Drag marker to edit alarm.6) Auto Start after Reboot.7) Bring Map to Front When Triggered.8) Notification in status bar.9) Notification with pop-up text.10) Vibration of the alarm.11) Sound of the alarm.12) Sound volume.13) Alarm repeat14) Alarm enabled time slot15) Voice of the alarm.16) Choice of different alarm sounds. 17) Send SMS for notification. 18) Distance to destination to trigger the alarm. 19) Days to repeat the alarm.20) Power option.21) Alarm list import and export.Note: Higher accuracy means higher performance, but shorter battery lasting time.